How To Design The Perfect Landing Page For A Website?

5 Amazing Graphic Design Tools For Beginners

A landing page is one of the most important elements of the process of lead generation. Still, not every company uses them properly and enough. It is pretty natural for a business owner to be more focused on the homepage compared to the landing page.

A business owner should understand that the landing page of his website is a must-have as it aims to provide a targeted platform to convert the visitors into leads. On average, a landing page has about a 5-15% conversion rate.

However, a landing page can do much better if best practices are implemented on them. Many who have used these tips have witnessed a 30-45% of conversion rate.

Check out the tips to use them for yourself

Never use the homepage as a landing page

A homepage of a website has way too much information and can easily make a visitor feel lost. Therefore, it is recommended to keep the homepage and landing pages separate. Even if your homepage has an outstanding design, appearance, and content, create a dedicated landing page. Good landing pages will attract more visitors and turn them into leads.

The landing page must have

A landing page is distinct from all the other pages of your website. Therefore, your landing page must have a headline and a sub-headline, a brief description of what you are offering, a short video to support your offer, other elements like testimonials, logos and security badges, and most importantly, it should have a form to get details of your visitor.

Check your navigation

A landing page one purpose only- convert visitors into leads. Therefore, if required, remove or limit all the extra navigation options you can. Encourage your visitor to take one single action. If they start navigating elsewhere, the purpose of landing page fails and it also leaves the user bewildered about what to do next.

Keep it Simple and clear

Do not overdo a landing page. The simpler and clearer its design is, the better your message is conveyed to the visitor. Let your page be easy to examine. If necessary, limit the images, media, and links. Organize your content on the page in a proper structure ( a logical order). Simplicity is the key to engage your users on the landing page.

Match to the previous source

Your visitor arrive to this landing page from a source. To keep the customer, it is important to make sure that the source prior to this landing page matches what is on the landing page. Or else, the customer will not find it authentic and genuine and will navigate to other websites. This might lead to an increased bounce rate and a negative remark for your site.

Reduce Friction

Reducing friction here means removing anything from the page that can cause conflict to the user to take any action. It can include including too much information or a distracting animation, lack of security or proof, etc. By your landing page, you are ought to make your users feel confident to connect with you.

Increase Value

Though the landing page is to generate leads, first it is approached by a visitor. From a visitor’s point of view, you have to showcase your value. You can either provide them a guide, a free trial, evaluation, or a demonstration. Do not create a landing page just for the sake of creating it or for a call to action button.

Ask what you need

Keep your landing page precise and concise. Make sure the form on the landing page takes basic information and is short. A lengthy form will scare away the visitors and you will lose your lead. Skip using the Submit button, instead use Download Now or Get Free Evaluation or Join our Mailing List. Do not ask for information that is not really required to know about.

Create many landing pages

Do not depend upon one single landing page. It is better to create several landing pages for every new campaign or offer. The more number of landing pages you have, the better chances you have to convert traffic into leads.

Make it Shareable

Though optional, making your landing page shareable will help in driving more traffic to your website. You should include social media links or widgets on your landing pages to allow the visitors to share it on personal networks. Hence, in this way, more traffic is drawn.

If your website needs a landing page, then look no further than CitrusStudio.

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